2018 American Advertising Awards

2018 American Advertising Awards
Award Show


AAF Kansas City is among the country’s largest, oldest advertising clubs. We were tasked with creating a theme for the its annual awards show, the American Advertising Awards, which recognizes local agencies and – ATTENTION. ATTENTION. SITUATION CRITICAL. STANDBY. INCOMING MESSAGE.

You will be judged. Submit now. It’s an award show, not the end of the world.


At Ad Wars, one of AAF-KC’s most popular events, our audience saw the first signs of the Adpocalypse. At a select point in the night, the lights dimmed, the projector shut down, and our teaser video began to play. Then, a mysterious man in a Hazmat suit (aka Haz Matt) walked through the crowd, dispersing promotional stickers as event details were announced. At the end of the night, as attendees exited onto the street, they encountered Adpocalypse graffiti – put in place by our street team moments earlier.


For maximum preparedness, AAF-KC members were alerted before the show via Adpocalypse-branded emails, social posts, and physical media. When judgement day arrived, a two-minute intro video started an awards show themed for advertising end times.